So First of all, Create a Web Application.
Verify that the following Assemblies are included:
- System.Web.Services
- System.XML
Enter the URL:
Now normally, you can simply start using the WebService at this point. However, for this one, you need to do some custom editing the Reference Map associated with the Web Service. Under the Project menu, click the button for Show All Files.
Then navigate to the Reference.vb file.
Add the following method after the existing New() Routine:
Protected Overrides Function GetWebRequest(ByVal uri AsUri) As
Dim webRequest As System.Net.HttpWebRequest =
webRequest.KeepAlive =
End Function
Ok now, it is time to edit
the WebForm1.aspx.vb file. For simplicity sake, import the following items:
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Xml.Xsl
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.IO
Optionally you may also imports the Namespace.
Now, Lets declare the variables we're going to use.
Dim ndfdXML As New
Dim result As
Ok, phew that was easy. Now to retrieve the forecast information, we will use the NDFDgenByDay function which uses the following parameters:
latitude As Decimal
longitude As Decimal
startDate As Date
numDays As String
format As
For my case, I'm going to give you the forecast for Riverton, Wyoming, for the next 3 days. So the code will appear as such.
result = ndfdXML.NDFDgenByDay(43.1806, -108.926, Now, 3,
From here, you can do as you wish to display the data you are looking for. Shortly, I will add a new post that explains how to take this data, then using XSL, transform it into reader friendly HTML Code complete with the NWS images displayed for weather conditions.
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